Top scroll bar for the batch schedule calendar, updates and additional beer information

Is it possible to add a scroll bar to the top of the batch calendar to keep the screen better focused on the brewhouse rows rather than having to scroll to the bottom of the table or rely on shifting with the arrow keys.

It would also be convenient to have the batch reference information displayed on the hover tooltip to distinguish between the various brews going into a blend.

The table will identify which brewhouse or vessel is selected on click, but when adding a blank batch it would be more convenient if the date field also autopopulated with the selected column.

When adjusting or adding batches one time horizon or more in the future, on submission the calendar reverts back to the current date’s horizon. It would be far more convenient to have the calendar, once a new batch has been added or adjusted, to refresh and stay focused on the last edited time frame.

The beer - > recipe selection on the calendar screen doesn’t filter recipes by the selected beer like it does on the Production - > New Batch screen which can require some extensive scrolling to select the appropriate recipe, and technically allows a batch to be scheduled with a recipe from another beer before the system throws an error after submission.

These would be great additions

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the suggestions here.
I’ll discuss this with the team and keep you updated with any progress we have on these ideas.
