Supplier Due diligence

Hi, looking at doing supplier du diligence. Is our listing of suppliers the same thing and can be exported for checks and form part of HACCP or council checks?
KInd regards

Hi Peter,

Thanks for raising this in the community! I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your question. I am happy to help if I can, but I might need you to rephrase or clarify a little, and I will come back to you.

Hi connor,
thanks for getting back to me. when it comes to taking on new suppliers, we have to go through our own due diligence checks on them, and i was wondering if there was a way of incorporating a checklist that will contribute towards HACCP, licensing checks, trading standards etc.

Happy to rephrase again if this isnt any clearer.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for coming back to me. There is not currently a checklist for this within Breww. At the moment, you have a list of suppliers, and you can log details against these suppliers, like their VAT number, Company registrar, Company number, and Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS) Unique Reference Number (URN), but there is no feature to set periodic checks on these details.

If you would like a checklist or periodic check reminder for your suppliers in Breww, you would need to raise it as a feature request so it lands with the right team for review.

Let me know if you have any more questions at all!

I think the best thing we can do currently is keep copies of the suppliers certifications / approvals. We can upload files against the supplier in Breww.

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