Add grouping of Cleaning and Maintenance actions into "Stages" and allow adding them on initial creation of a process

Thanks for putting this forward and in so much detail, this is a very helpful example.

I can see here how this would be useful and take the existing features to another level, with stages to group the actions.

I just wanted to check that you have seen the “Stock items required” and “Readings & measurements required” sections of a cleaning process as I think these cover a lot of what you’re asking for (but not quite everything), but from what you’ve said, I’m wondering if you hadn’t see these sections? I’ve mentioned these recently in a post here with some screenshots.

We’ve also got our original announcement post on this feature with a video walkthrough which demonstrates these features in more detail at Cleaning & maintenance records are here 🧹

I certainly think that splitting the “Stock items required” and “Readings & measurements required” sections into “stages” a bit like we have with recipes would be great :+1: