Navigating the Production dashboard

If you have followed the 🧰 Getting Started Guide, you will have already set up your brewing system and vessels and will be ready to start using Breww to process your batches.

Vessel visualisation

Your vessels are split into different groups that you may have already personalised - if not, you will be able to do this by following the Vessel groups in Breww help guide!

By default, these will be categorised into the groupings below:

  • Primary brewing systems
  • Primary vessels
  • Secondary vessels

If you have a pilot brewing system and vessels, then these will also show. You can view the key data surrounding the vessel by clicking on the vessel. If you have multiple sites that you use for brewing, then you will be able to switch between sites by selecting the site tab at the top of the visualisation; in this example, there is a single site for brewing called ‘Brewery’

Brewing systems, vessels and in-progress batches

In addition to your ‘Vessel visualisation’, you can view your ‘in progress’ batches as a list alongside some key data snapshots related to the batch.

Cleaning & maintenance records due

Once any cleaning and maintenance processes and schedules are created, you will see any records that are due, that can be selected for completion.


There are three buttons on the production dashboard to navigate around the production suite. This article will define the options listed here, but the features under these options will be covered later on in more detail in the Production in Breww guide.

  • Batch schedule
  • View
  • Actions

Batch schedule

By selecting this button, you will see a calendar that includes all of your vessels and equipment, where you can schedule your batches and vessel usage. You will also be able to select to view your scheduled batches with your contract brewers and your ‘planned packages’ here.


A series of options will show when you select the View button.

  • All batches - This will take you to a full list of batches that have been planned, are in-progress or are completed
  • Beers - This will take you to your main list of beers, where you can create new beers (if you are producing a different drink type, this option will show as ‘Drinks’).
  • Recipes - View your existing recipes, create new recipes, and create vessel plans from here.
  • Vessels - View your vessels as a list, create new vessels, and create vessel statuses, groups and plans.
  • All equipment - View all of your brewery equipment, including the brewhouse and vessels, as well as any additional equipment such as pumps and canning lines
  • Cleaning & maintenance - Create cleaning records for your equipment to ensure that vessel cleaning logs are kept and the correct cleaning items are consumed.
  • Batch actions summary - See a full list of batch actions that can be filtered using the Breww QL filter.
  • Pallets - View any stock racked onto pallets and assemble new pallets using existing stock
  • Hop contracts - Enter your hop contracts
  • Contract brewers - Create/edit your contract brewers
  • 3rd party packagers - Create/edit your 3rd party packagers
  • Yeast/ingredients batches - Create a yeast/ingredient batch. You can assign a stock item to distribute the cost for any beer batches with this added.
  • Delayed racking releases - View any rackings being held and scheduled for release
  • Production settings - View your main production settings


There are a series of options that will show when you select the Actions button:

  • New batch - Create a new batch of beer, which you can either plan for a future date to show on the batch schedule or create a batch immediately
  • Pre-brew stock check - Check your stock item availability for your planned batches to ensure that you have sufficient ingredients in stock to brew these batches.
  • Rack (package) - Rack batches from your vessels into your products
  • Send for off-site packaging - Send a batch of beer to one of your 3rd party packacgers
  • Receive from off-site packaging - Bring in the required stock into Breww that your 3rd party packager has packaged.
  • Transfer - Transfer your batches between vessels
  • Empty vessel - Waste the remaining volume in a vessel
  • Add volume to vessel - Increase the liquid volume within the vessel.
  • Extract yeats/ingredient from vessel - Crop/extract any yeast/ingredients batches from a vessel into another vessel, such as a yeast brink.