We currently have the auto-assign small-pack option enabled and scan to assign all kegs. We have no picking errors with Kegs as it’s impossible to scan the wrong product, but we frequently have picking errors with one specific small pack product. We don’t want to have to scan to assign all cases, as we have too many large quantity orders that will really slow down our warehouse and deliveries team, so would rather keep auto-assign small pack enabled. We only stock two of our beers in 330ml cans and our full range in 440s but we frequently have warehouse/drivers picking 440s when 330s have been ordered. I’d like to be able to specify scan to assign on 330 cases only, that way the bulk of large orders that are usually 440s will be auto assigned, but the picking errors when 330s are occasionally ordered should be eradicated.
Is this something that could be implemented, or possible within the current settings?