It would be so useful to be able to see where drink batches end up selling in which orders (specifically which order lines). This would enable all sorts of useful analysis and report building. For me this would be must useful from the Public API, but imagine for most people being able to bring this in the report builder would be most useful, hopefully behind the scenes it is a similar process.
This linking would enable:
- Historical stock levels by batch
- Rate of sale (ROS) per batch, which would enable interesting breakdowns such as:
- ROS by time of year
- ROS by beer / type
- ROS by product type
- ROS by customer types
Although there is a report that shows how batches get distributed by product and customer, there is no indication of how long it is taking to shift a batch.
I am sure there are other useful uses that others may have, feel free to add and upvote fellow brewers!