Increasing quantity of out of stock item on an existing order

Hi there,

We’ve just come across and interesting one. We added a cask of a specific beer to a customer’s order - it happened to be the last cask in stock but that was fine because we could see that when we added the product. However the customer then requested an additional cask which we added by going to “Edit line item” and increasing the quantity. Breww let us do this with no warning the product was out of stock which is annoying!

Any way around this / anybody else noticed it?


Hi Richard,
Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m sorry you experienced an issue here. The edit button on a line item should still prevent you from adding too many of that product. Please see the screenshot below:

Can I confirm that you’re referring to the following button?

If so, would you mind creating a support ticket and letting me know the product you’re referring to so I can look into this?


Hi, thanks for getting back to me. That’s the button I’m referring to yes. I’m guessing it’s because we have this chekbox unticked in settings:


I’ve ticked it now so we’ll see how we go!


Ah yes, you’ll need that setting enabled. Sorry, I should have checked that first!