Fermentation/Conditioning Profiles

Creation of “Fermentation and Conditioning Profiles” feature that allows a user to build multiple fermentation profiles that encompass all the “post wort creation” recipe stages.

-A recipe could then utilize these fermentation profiles.
-Multiple recipes could utilize the same fermentation profile.
-Editing at the Fermentation Profile level could update the planned batches and all new batches to utilize this new version of the profile. Similar in function to the way batches utilize recipes.

Thanks for the suggestion, Tait. This sounds very interesting - we love the idea of reusing information like this.

What would you want to define in a fermentation/conditioning profile? What information would be stored and how would it be “used” by Breww?

Thanks Luke.

Most of the things I’d like to include in a fermentation/conditioning profile I’d also like to be able to do as outlined in the logic based recipe stages feature request that I posted about here.

The difference is that it would be nice to create these “fermentation profiles”, utilize one profile across multiple recipes, edit the profile and have it update all future batches of the recipes that utilize that profile (in much the same way as you already utilize recipe changes to apply to planned batches of that recipe).

This would be much more efficient that having to build each recipe from scratch or copy recipe stages from other recipes. That said, it’d be great, when creating a recipe, to utilize an existing “ferm profile” or “modify an existing profile” thereby creating an alternate/new version of the profile.

I’m not sure quite what you mean by “what information would be stored” but as far as how the info would be “used” by Breww, its along the same lines as the other feature request: Once created, applied to a recipe, and a batch of that recipe is initiated, Breww would prompt the user to perform the checks, take actions or whatever is required as defined by the “fermentation profile”.