Love the info and weights on export invoices.
A small-ish feature request for convenience would be to have total weights & liters per line or tarifcode.
The EX-A/1 (etc.) forms needed for non-EU export needs this info as total amounts (that you now have to now still calculate sperately).
Hi Gijs,
Thank you for the suggestion.
I will make sure to update you if there are any developments on this. If any other breweries would find this useful, please vote using the button above.
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Please can we get this into development? We’ve had a fair few export customers request the total line gross weight on invoices for customs purposes.
Unfortunately this is still has not been added - total weight per line/HS code is way more important for smooth export procedures than the weight per item…
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Pretty sure you can do this with a custom invoice template.
I would love to know how. The export info on the lines is autoformatted.
There’s a variable that looks like it’s what you want: “line.product_gross_weight_total”.
On the template there’s
Unit weight: {{ line.product_weight if line.product_weight else “Unknown” }}.
If you add a line to a custom template just after that (or replace it, if it’s no use to you) something like:
Line gross total weight: {{line.product_gross_weight_total if line.product_gross_weight_total else “Unknown” }}.
I think that will work? Haven’t tried it myself.
Thanks Jon, this works. I improved the whole thing a bit adding total litres and total gross weight on a seperate line and replacing . with -
{% if is_export and is_invoice %}
Country of origin: {{ line.product_country_of_origin if line.product_country_of_origin else "Unknown" }} -
HS code: {{ line.product_commodity_code if line.product_commodity_code else "Unknown" }} -
Unit weight: {{ line.product_weight if line.product_weight else "Unknown" }} -
{% if line.product_abv is not none %}ABV: {{ line.product_abv }} {% endif %} -
{% if line.product_plato is not none %}Plato: {{ line.product_plato }}{% endif %}.
Total Litres: {{ line.product_volume_total }} -
Total gross weight: {{line.product_gross_weight_total if line.product_gross_weight_total else "Unknown" }}.
{% if line.notes %}<br>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
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