(even) more expansive reporting/saveable reports

Thanks for the ideas, these are great suggestions.

The number of Litres in a product isn’t currently an option as you say, but we can certainly look to add this. This has been requested before and would be useful for many I’m sure. We’ll see if we can fit this in before too long as some other recent changes have made this easier to implement than it was when it was last requested.

We’ve been able to quickly add some new date options to allow some relative dates for you that were not previously possible with BrewwQL.

In BrewwQL date filters, you can now use the following new phrases:

  • first of this month
  • last of this month
  • first of last month
  • last of last month

This means you can use filters for a range like this for all invoices last month:

invoice.issue_date > "first of last month" and invoice.issue_date  <= "last of last month"

We’ll follow up on the Litres feature, but I hope the date options are helpful immediately :+1: If there are any other phrases that would be useful for relative dates (a bit like these), please let us know as we may be able to further improve this.

We’ve updated the documentation on BrewwQL to reflect these additions too: