Deleting customer tags and custom fields


Is there a way to delete a customer tag and a custom field that are no more usefull?


Hi Vincent,

There’s currently no way for you to delete these, but this feature would be useful. I’ll add this to the development list and let you know when it’s in.


We’ve just added the ability for you to delete customer tags. This can be done from the same place where you create new tags. If any customers/contacts have the tag, then it will be removed from them, and there’s no undo button, so please use with caution!

Deleting custom fields hasn’t been done yet, but it’s on the list. Cheers!

Is it possible now to remove a tag now that you added to the tag list?

You should be able to delete a tag by going to your customer settings page then clicking the right bin icon next to the tag you want to delete.