Spot check of casks/kegs by scanning them on the mobile app - show info, allow taking notes, ullaging, returning, etc

Thanks for the suggestion, Omar. I can see why this would be useful, but I’m not sure it will be possible to implement, to be honest. Barcode detection and reading is really complex, so in our mobile apps, we get the built-in services available to us from Google (on Android) and Apple (on iOS) to handle this for us.

We essentially stream to their barcode detention services a live feed from your device’s camera and hope they come back and let us know that a barcode was found (this all happens locally on your device). We expect to get back a message from them saying, “Hey, we found a barcode of F01”, at which point we process “F01”. Other than a simple timer like “no barcode detected for 20 seconds”, we don’t have any way of knowing things like “there’s probably a barcode here, but I can’t read it”. And even if we could, there could be many reasons why it might struggle to read it that might not be the barcode’s fault (e.g. camera out of focus, a finger over part of the lens, etc).

I like the suggestion, but I’m just not sure it would be possible.

If you’re not using our “Advanced 2D” barcode format, I’d certainly suggest gradually migrating to this as this format is far better as coping with damage as all the data is encoded into the barcode multiple times allowing for parts of the barcode to be lost and all the data to still be available.