Compulsory/required Customer Fields


Just a thought: it would be really handy to be able to mark selected fields as compulsory for when new customer accounts are set up. We often have issues with unknown gaps in our customer data, which only come to light when reports are run and numbers don’t quite add up correctly, for example if Customer Group fields are left blank.


Hi Greg,

Oh sure - I can see how that would be useful! Are there a few specific fields that you had in mind which this option would be most useful on? For example the core customer fields like price book, customer group and sales person? Would you want to enforce that certain address fields are entered?


Hi Max,

Customer type, Sales person, Price book and Customer group would all be particularly useful. Also the option to make a Custom field compulsory would be great!


Hi Greg,

Sure thing - we can look to add that in! Custom fields have this option already, you can tick the “Required” option when setting them up or editing them if you’d like the field to be required whenever editing / adding a customer:

Screenshot 2021-05-18 at 09.52.13


Hi Max,

Great, thank you so much! And ah we haven’t actually created any new Custom Fields yet - ours were imported - so hadn’t spotted that you already have that option to make them compulsory! Perfect.


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I’m potentially missing something but was this ever done? I’ve had a look around settings and can’t find anything to make fields compulsory

For custom fields, the “required” option should be able to be ticked on each custom field, by going to the custom fields page and editing the fields one by one. This allows you to have some compulsory and some optional. There’s no way to mark all custom fields as compulsory in one go, I’m afraid.

If you mean for other (non-custom) fields, then no, I’m afraid this hasn’t been done yet. If you’d like this, please can you give this thread a vote with the button in the top-left.

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