Change "contains" to other wording on stock labels

can you change the ‘Breww default template’ label. It has just failed an audit due to the ‘contains…’ part but I cant access or find where the template to change it?

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You could use a custom stock label? Out of interest, who is it doesn’t like the word “contains”? The FSA say:

For alcoholic drinks with no ingredients list, allergens must be indicated by the word ‘contains’ followed by the name of the allergen.

Allergen labelling for food manufacturers | Food Standards Agency

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Thanks, James, and as Jon says, we believe “Contains:” to be the legally correct wording in the UK (as much as I think “Allergens:” would be clearer)!

We’re very interested to hear more on this and why “Contains:” might fail an audit, as, of course, we want our default template to be correct. Thanks.