Calculations on brew sheets with ingredients specifications

Hi Luke,
I feel like for us an many brewers this is a very important feature that could save us hours every week.
At the moment we have to do enter into our brewing software Promash all our recipes and batches and copy the results into Breww. And we need to do double entries in both softwares for inventory. It is very time consuming.
The whole idea of having an integrated system like Breww is to gain time and have seamless communication between inventory, production, distribution, accounting etc…
But on the production side, Breww allows us to record most informations but doesn’t have the essential functionalities. Promash was developed decades ago, it is simple, complete and overall the best stock, recipe and batch management software for pro brewers you can find (apart from the looks). It is not getting developped anymore but it shouldn’t be hard to copy. Particularly when you already have so much infos in Breww.

Again if you need help to understand how promash works I am happy to spend some time with you on it.

Because it is not sustainable for us to continue with Breww while this is missing.


Thanks, Vincent. We know how important this project is, and don’t worry, it’s tagged as a “key project” for us, so it will certainly be done before too long, but we don’t have a date yet for when this will be built.

It’s useful to know about Promash (I must admit that it’s not one we have heard of before). I think we’re fairly clear on what’s needed, but it may be useful to have a call; thank you. We may be in touch when we’re ready to start work on this project. We also have three people in our team who used to work as brewers before they joined the team, so there’s quite a bit of hands-on knowledge in-house already, which we’ll also be calling on to help plan this project.

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I’m just linking this with Recipe-level variables for Calculated Fields as the two are related and may be built in conjunction.

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@vincent-de-soyres ,

Great points.

@luke ,

The mash, sparge and liquor back volume calculators would be really useful, however the volumes calculated must then be available in the ‘Add’ action in the recipe - at the moment you can only add a pre-determined volume in the recipe, but these will change from brew to brew.

All the best,



Thanks Pat, it’s great to have your input on this.

Could you also give Recipe-level variables for Calculated Fields, e.g. allow "Add ingredient" quantity to be the result of a calculation a vote? I think you’d find this useful too :+1:

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Hi Luke,

Could you add a few custom fields (as in fields we could name ourselves) for ingredients in the inventory receipt, in the same way you added the alpha acids for hops?
If we could add to breww all the specs of the hops (alpha acids, Beta acids and Oil level), malt (EBC, coarse dry extract, moisture etc…) and sugars (dry extrac,t moisture levels, colour) when we receive them, we could use this data either in calculation fields in the brewing schedule or in a googlesheet that I am happy to develop and integrate via the API.
In the same way if you could add custom fields to our equipment especially to the brewhouse, we could have: Thermal mass of the mash tun, Grain absoption rae in L/kg, wort cooling shrinkage in %, Malt Heat Capacity, Evaporation rate in L/ hour. This is not needed if we use a googlesheet, as we could have those constant figures in the googlesheet.
With those infos we could run everything simply of breww and a googlesheet.
Is that possible?

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Yes, absolutely; these are the kinds of fields and options that we’re going to be adding as part of this project.

It may be possible to expose these via the API too, but the primary aim will be for you to do all the calculations you need directly within Breww, rather than building something that requires specialist knowledge (APIs) and having to take data out of Breww and into spreadsheets. We will have built-in calculations, like the current alpha-acid calculations, as well as allowing you to write your own formulas.

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Hi Luke,

Do you have a rouch idea of when those will be available?



One of our dev team is finishing up a few projects and then we expect them to start on this and some other production-related improvements. I’d expect this to be done in early 2024 :smile:

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Any updates on this? It would be really useful to enter malt data and get the brewhouse efficiency. This is a key parameter for brewers.