We appreciate the comments, and we do know that this is important to you and lots of others. Everyone is fighting to get their request built next, and our juggling of this takes a lot of our time. Breww is moving forward really quickly, the development team is growing, and we’re improving the product faster than ever.
I cannot give you a set time yet as this project doesn’t yet have a start date. This doesn’t mean to say it’s a long way away. It just means I cannot say for certain when it will be done. I can, however, say that this is tagged (behind the scenes) as a “key project”, so it won’t be too far away.
We will follow up when we do have an update, and we do appreciate your patience.
If your team needs any formula’s, calculations, or suggestions to help bring the recipe/brewing functions up to scratch, please feel free to reach out. We literally have all this working in spreadsheets or the other software we are currently using. Hopefully, this can help bring these updates out quicker.
In addition to these suggestions we would benefit from either a box where we can override the system calculated ABV (because of additions/adjuncts) which don’t account for these items.
If you edit the batch, you can specify your own ABV to use already. Does this let you do what you need, or would you need something else? And if so, what needs to be different? Cheers.
No, by editing the batch details that would give the expected final ABV for the batch not the actual final ABV. So, we’d like to able to add a field which the system would use as the actual final ABV if the calculated ABV is not correct (because of merging/liquoring back/adjuncts or BBT additions).
I’m sorry, Hazel, but I don’t quite follow. I see this field as the actual, rather than the expected. The ABV specified in this field when editing the batch will be what is used in duty calculations and will take precedence over any auto-calculated ABVs completely. If I’ve misunderstood something (or the user interface isn’t clear somewhere), please do let me know.
Technically, no, but in a way, “sort of” What matters is the ABV calculation method on the batch itself. Your comments have resulted in us making some user interface tweaks to make it clearer how it works
The “Beer duty settings” area allows you to set your default for all new batches. This just forms the default when creating a batch and ultimately the value set on each batch is what matters. Whenever a new batch is made the default value is copied to it.
If a “manually entered” ABV is set on a batch, this is what will be used for beer duty purposes.
You can no longer see the box to type in a custom ABV unless you’ve explicitly set the batch to use “manually entered”. Previously, you could see this, and entering a value would switch the batch’s method automatically, but we think the new UI is clearer.
So, if you choose a batch’s ABV calculation method as “manually entered”, you’ll need to enter an ABV and this will be what is used. If you choose another method (i.e. the beer’s advertised ABV or the result of the fermentation readings), then the chosen method will be used and you won’t be able to enter your own ABV on the batch edit page.
I have to highlight the importance of having the option to add the gravity at the end of a brew, when transferring every brew to the fermentation vessel, it’s very basic and I don’t understand why BREWW doesn’t have it. the lack of it makes us a lot of troubles, and I think that it’s not that difficult to have another line near the volume of wort transferred out of the brewing system where you enter the original gravity.