Adding canning/centrifuge equipment to brew to track chem useage

Hi Mel, Thanks for reaching out, and welcome to the community! You will be able to create this equipment in Breww, but this won’t show on your ‘Vessel visualisation’ on the production dashboard, as this currently only includes your brewing systems and vessels. However, you can create your other equipment by heading to Production → View → All equipment → Add equipment → Add other equipment. This will then show on the All equipment page and the batch schedule if you have selected it to show here when creating the equipment.

Once you have created this, you can select to use your equipment on transfers and racking. To track your chemical usage, you could create a cleaning and maintenance process and schedule, which alert you to when a record is due, and will log your records when they are complete. Our Cleaning and maintenance records in Breww help guide discusses how you can do this, but let me know if you have any other questions! Cheers!