We are currently using self managed duty for our wines which creates a massive headache when duty rates change, but also mixed cases are incredibly difficult to manage when different vintages can have different ABVs.
Wine rates are currently identical to Other Fermented Beverages so hopefully it would be fairly simple to add in Wine as a separate rate. UK wine production is also a huge growing industry so this could be a great market for Breww!
We’d love to add support for wine duty, and I’m sure we will do so in the future. Sadly, it’s not as simple as just adding the rates. Although the rates might currently be identical to an already supported duty type, wine went through a transition period, and the rate that applies is the rate that was applicable when the wine was produced, so we would need to support all the historical rates, too. The rates might diverge in the future too.
I’m sure this will be added to Breww in the future, but I wanted to give some context as to why this is more complex than it might look on the surface.
If anyone else is looking for this, please make sure to give this thread a vote so we know.